
Empower Your Journey with McPhillips Toyota Financial Services

Find the Perfect Financing or Leasing Option for Your Dream Toyota

Choosing how to get your next vehicle either through financing, leasing, or buying it outright depends on what fits your lifestyle best. If keeping bi-weekly payments low is your goal, leasing could be the way to go. We're here to tailor leasing options that match your driving habits and mileage needs. On the other hand, if you're dreaming of the day you make that last payment and the car is all yours, financing with a car loan might be your path. We can figure out what works best for you together.

Get Started Today!

Looking for unbeatable car financing and leasing rates in Winnipeg? McPhillips Toyota's finance department is at your service. We collaborate with leading lenders to secure the most favorable auto financing, car loan, and leasing deals for you. Click the button below to get started.

Financing Explained

Financing a vehicle means obtaining a loan to purchase your car directly. Instead of paying the full price upfront, you make monthly payments to a lender over a set period until the loan is fully repaid. Once the loan is paid off, you own the vehicle outright.


The most significant advantage of financing is that you become the owner of the vehicle once your loan is paid off. This means you have equity in the vehicle and can benefit from its value, whether you choose to keep it, sell it, or trade it in.

No Mileage Restrictions

Unlike leasing, financing a car doesn't come with any mileage limits. This is ideal for those who drive frequently or over long distances, as you won't face any penalties for exceeding a certain number of miles.

Customization Freedom

As the owner of the vehicle, you have the freedom to customize and modify your car as you see fit. From performance upgrades to aesthetic changes, you can make any alterations without the restrictions typically imposed by a lease agreement.

Ideal for Whom

Long-Term Users

Financing is particularly suitable for individuals who plan on keeping their vehicle for many years. Since you own the car at the end of the payment term, financing makes more sense for those not interested in frequently changing vehicles.

Customization Freedom

As the owner of the vehicle, you have the freedom to customize and modify your car as you see fit. From performance upgrades to aesthetic changes, you can make any alterations without the restrictions typically imposed by a lease agreement.

High-Mileage Drivers

For those who drive significantly more than the average person, financing eliminates the concern of mileage overages and related fees that come with leasing. It's the best choice for anyone who needs the freedom to drive as much as they want.

Financing a vehicle offers the benefits of ownership, no mileage restrictions, and the freedom to customize, making it an ideal option for long-term users, those who enjoy personalizing their cars, and individuals with high annual mileage. It represents a long-term investment in a vehicle that will become fully yours, offering both freedom and responsibility.

Leasing Explained

Leasing a vehicle is similar to renting it for a predetermined period, usually 2 to 4 years. You pay monthly installments to use the car but do not own it. At the end of the lease term, you have the option to return the vehicle, purchase it for a predetermined price, or start a new lease with a different vehicle.

Lower Monthly Payments

Leasing often requires lower monthly payments compared to financing a purchase because you're only paying for the vehicle's depreciation during the lease term, plus interest and fees.

New Models More Often

Leasing allows you to drive a new vehicle every few years without the hassle of selling or trading in an old one. This means you can always enjoy the latest technology, safety features, and fuel efficiency.

Worry Free Maintenance

Many leases come with comprehensive warranty coverage for the duration of the lease. This means fewer concerns about repair costs, as many issues will be covered under warranty.

Ideal for Whom

Frequent Upgraders

Leasing is perfect for individuals who enjoy driving the latest model with the newest features. If you like to upgrade your vehicle every few years, leasing provides a cost-effective and hassle-free way to do so.

Low Mileage Drivers

If you drive a relatively low number of kilometers annually and can stay within the mileage limits set by the lease agreement (usually between 16,000 to 14,000 kilometers per year), leasing can be an excellent option to avoid excess mileage penalties.

Those Who Prefer Lower Upfront Costs

With lower monthly payments and minimal down payment requirements, leasing can be attractive for those who prefer to keep their upfront automotive expenses as low as possible.

Leasing offers a flexible and often more affordable way to drive a new vehicle every few years without the commitment of long-term ownership. It's ideal for those who prioritize driving the latest models, appreciate lower monthly payments, and fit the lifestyle of low-mileage, careful drivers. However, it's crucial to consider the mileage limits, potential extra charges, and the fact that you won't own the vehicle at the end of the lease term.

Still Not Sure?

Are you still not sure which would be better in your situation? That isn't a problem and what we are here to help you with! You can come down or give us a call, or if you have a simple question send us a message. We are happy to help!